

I this post I will discuss how to make the smaller more diminutive dress to augment their stature.

The smaller man has to focus on increasing the appearance of his size by drawing longer lines and trying to emphasize the chest size. The most important thing for the smaller man as it was with the rotund, is to wear clothes that fit. Most importantly never ever wear oversized clothing, as this will make you look like a small child, or someone who was too lazy to try something on instore or return it.

If this means you need to have things made and or refitted then do so. Many of the best dressed slight people I know are on first name terms with their tailors and have them on speed dial, ensuring everything they wear fits well.
They have a great advantage over the rotund gent as they can follow trends a lot more especially the slim fit trend, within reason (things that are skin tight show how small they really are), but generally fashion trends are designed with the slight in mind (have a look at models, they are all tiny)

Things to be very specific with fit would start with sleeve lengths of jackets. There should always be between 1/4 and 3/8 inches of shirt cuff showing. I know that sounds pedantic but with none showing the jacket appears not to fit, and with more showing it looks like they have out grown childrens sizes but failed to adjust!!. Three button jackets are better as they add verticality. Avoid cuffs on the trouser as the tend to fatten and shorten the trouser line.

Fabrics and pattern wise, try to avoid the bold checks and very bold stripes as these draw the eye to the lack of size. Instead opt for fantastic plains and fine stripes (1″ apart on suits is good but narrower on shirts) The monochromatic look adds length as it is a solid mass, as do the fine stripes . Things with texture are especially good like birdseyes, pic and pic’s waffle weaves etc, so you have plenty to keep interested.

It is also advisable to avoid sports jacket and trouser combos as these cut people in half making them seem shorter and squatter. However some very stylish slight men pull this off very well, by wearing the jacket obviously far too short and slim trousers breaking the rule well. This only tends to work with a patterned (usually very bold) jacket and very plain slim trousers.

one of the most important things to avoid and it is not so much of an issue currently but pleated trousers are an absolute no go for the slight of stature as the tend to look like pantaloons, and not only unflattering but positively clown like.

In conclusion the slighter diminutive man has far more options the the rotund but the same rules apply, ensure things fit properly not too small not too big, and to add the illusion of height in any way possible.

If you are going to break the rules at least understand them first and know what you are trying to achieve.

FAST-6 fred-astaire-1940-everett

These three images show perhaps the best dreseed slight man ever, Fred Astaire, do everything right.
These three images show perhaps the best dreseed slight man ever, Fred Astaire, do everything right.





These two show the same man looking far smaller and less stylish as they highlight the smallness of his stature
These two show the same man looking far smaller and less stylish as they highlight the smallness of his stature