

In this post I will discuss how to make the most from the taller frame, what styles colours and details you should look for.
The overarching key for the tall man is to break up the length in some way shape or form. In this respect they share some of the same aspects as the rotund, but the other part is to accentuate the slimness they appear to have so in this way they need to take some from the diminutive look.

Style wise, as with most the two and to a lesser extent the three button suits are very flattering as long as they fit correctly (see below), as they allow more of the shirt and tie to be seen thus breaking up the longer lines, hence why a two button is preferable. The only reason I include the three button at all is that in time when fashion leans towards the abomination that is the four button suit (or even higher God forbid) the taller man MUST never wear this. For reasons why please see the pictures at the bottom of the post.
Detail wise lots of little details are great, handtsitching, ticket pockets, waistcoats etc all aid to breaking up the lines. Although they are seldom worn now (despite making a recent return), the tall man’s best friend is the double breasted suit. This adds bulk at the midsection the almost no other body type handles well, and also conveys a unique sense of power single breasted suits can never muster. The sole caveat to the double breasted, is despite how snugly they fit done up, they all look like used car sales mens’ suits when undone.

Fabric wise subtle patterns and textures are the rangy man’s go to’s. Avoid block plains as these look just like a large block of fabric and don’t add depth, in the same note bold pinstripes add unnecessary height and can look quite comical if not careful. However subtle self stripes, herringbones, pins and chalk-stripes are great at breaking up the blockiness of plain fabrics. Checks are also great either bold or subtle as the taller man can carry the extra girth the indicate.

Trouser wise, the taller man is one of the few who can carry a pleated trouser well if desired. He doesn’t run the risk of having the extra volume turn the pants into pantaloons, instead drawing a nice, if somewhat dated, classic tailored aesthetic. That said flat fronts are still preferable, as the are honestly the most flattering to all. The key thing for the long is to avoid stovepipe trousers, as these simple make your legs look like telegraph poles.

Fit wise, the tall man needs to most of all avoid things that are too short, these simply look like kids clothing on a man. This is quite hard currently as the fashion is for everything to be short. He must take care his jacket covers his bum, his sleeves come to his wrist bone, and most important his shirt sleeves show out from the jacket. Any of these failing to be the case and none of the above is relevant, as he will look like he’s in op shop clothing. As far as the rest of the fit is concerned, tailored is ideal, too loose will run the risk of him getting lost in the fabric and it simply being a huge silhouette, too tight and they look like they will topple any minute and draws unneeded attention to his height. If these mean getting things made to order so be it, as for the tall man to look great things have to be long enough.

Now for a bit of a laugh have a look at these suits and look how many of the rules these guys did not obey–Em–Top-10-Worst-NBA-Draft-Suits/

Some images of guys who have done things well, I use NBA players for a reason as they have the long body in question and the funds to dress how they want

Here Michael Jordan gets one rule wrong too many buttons!!!


Looking at Kevin Garnett in this image he doesn’t appear to be 7 feet plus tall (213cm) but just looks athletic and elegant in a slim well cut 2 button suit


Here Lebron James shows how to add details to off set the tuxedo monochrome that he is wearing, notably the vest
