
New Beginnings!!!

With the incredible changing landscape through the pandemic it has forced me to make a major change in my work life and as such this blog/page will evolve somewhat as well

this will be a positive impact on The Man in a Suit, as I will now will have far more time and energy to devote to to this and its brother page , the yet to be launched The Man in a Bottle. I have left the security of full time employ, and am now purely doing bespoke garments, styling consults, wardrobe overhauls, and some consulting projects.

I am looking forward to these new challenges and doing some more writing , some vlogs , podcasts etc

In other ways its new beginnings because our wardrobes are undergoing a massive revolution with the work from home edicts and the reduction of events and occasions that we attend requiring a vastly different set of clothes than what we were used to. This change excites me and I cant wait to document it!!